Daniel C. Nyiri
Production Experience
Production Designer
Production designer, Storyboards and Concept Art for indie feature "Confession" maximizing limited budget to provide 70% constructed settings. Also built foreground miniatures for set extensions, provided digital matte paintings and built specialized props.
Production Designer
Production Designer, Storyboards and Concept Art for $4.5 million 3-D feature "Cane Toads: The Conquest". Also designed and constructed models and props for special effects. Fourth film with producer/director.
Production Designer
Produced preliminary designs, concept art and department budgets for several independent feature films in development including "Roney's Point" and "Untraceable Evidence" (also written by), budget range $690,000 to $8 million
Art Director / Lead Scenic
For fantasy TV pilot, “Lily’s Light”, coordinated build and scenic of standing set from Designers concept art alone, making necessary alterations consistent with designer’s style. Also designed a medieval village for location shooting.
Art Director
Designed, built, and dressed all sets and locations for low budget docu-drama recreations for “The Gang That Couldn’t Spend Straight”